Calling for anarchists global solidarity action!

Call out from the Palang Hitam comrades in Indonesia.



While we know that the state will act in a totalitarian manner in this times pandemic and economic crisis and as being anarchists we dont value their laws, but in our constant struggle against the prevailing capitalist ideology that continues to colonialised our daily lives, the purpose of ABC are to help the political defendants in legal matters in which to ensure they get the “rights” for them and to communicate with them, to make them not isolated and feeling alone. Every decision are theirs and we value that, but when the state are trying to orchestrate a bullshit narrative into scapegoating the anarchists or the anarchist movement in general in Indonesia in order to veil their own incompetency in dealing with the crisis and pandemic, we asked you, not for money or anything involving that, but to show your solidarity in whatever means. It can be graffiti, banner dropping, or most importantly to acknowledge every Indonesian consulate about the isolation and the arbitrary action that the police are doing to them. Please read the following articles (two of the were written by the Individualist Sect) and some of them are from mainstream media.

Mainstream media:

(on these reports or in any other reports Indonesian police only knew one tendency, that is anarcho syndicalism, which are false and poor research because the anarchist movement in Indonesia are very diverse and there’s only one small group inactive anarcho-syndicalist and not a union)

(These are the earlieast reports from the Individualist Sect concerning the arrests and media sensationalisation)

Chronology of Tangerang Anarchists Isolation

On April 9, 2020, R, Af, and Ri were arrested in a tavern in Tangerang on vandalism charges. Apart from the minor crimes they committed, the police showed an arrest warrant that did not have their names listed. The family was also notified of this arrest on April 11, 2020, 2 days after the arrest. In fact, Af is a minor. The legal process is not in accordance with procedures and until now all three are still blocked by the police to get legal assistance. •

The right to receive legal representation is stipulated in articles 69, 70, 72, Law no. 8 of 1981 concerning Criminal Procedure Law. • “The tendency to obstruct access to legal representation is a violation of the right to a fair trial as contained in Article 14 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (Ratified in Law No. 12 of 2005)” •

Immediately Fulfill Their Rights To Get A Legal Assistant!

Black Cross – WA –

Ps: Three more arrested and are still behind bars in East Java, Malang. They are prosecuted with the same charges “public provocation” under 160 Law such those comrades in Tangerang.

Ps: Theres already small gestures of solidarity from Netherland and Australia. Links below:

Original text taken from Palang Hitam