Stormy Petrel (formerly known as Virus) is the Anarchist Communist Group’s theoretical journal.
Stormy Petrel Issue 4

The latest edition contains:
- Problem with Populism: People Not Class
- The Refugee Crisis
- Brewdog Leaves a Bad Taste
- ‘Green’ Landowners: Profiteering from the Ecological Emergency
- Transhumanism is Anti-Humanism
- Pathologising Resistance
- Kropotkin’s Taking from the Pile
- International News
- Reviews
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Stormy Petrel issue 3

The latest edition contains:
Editorial: capital is burning
No one is safe until everyone is safe: lessons from the pandemic
The green new deal: a fake solution to the climate crisis
Land food and revolution
Especifismo: challenges and opportunities
Working class antifascism: engaging the working class where traditional politics has failed
Anti-imperialism: a critique
“Freedom Come All Ye”: an anarchist communist critique of nationalism
From the Commune to Kronstadt
The Ides of March
The battle of Blair Mountain
The attack on counter-culture in the UK
Book reviews:
- Book of Trespass: crossing the lines that divide us
- Who owns England? How we lost our green and pleasant land and how to take it back
- Wilding: the return of nature to the British farm
- Rebirding: restoring Britain’s wildlife
- Workers’ enquiry and global class struggle: strategies, tactics, objectives
Total Price with postage: 3.50
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Stormy Petrel issue 2
A bumper 60 pages of revolutionary anarchist communist thought and ideas. It contains the following:
- Building Resilient Communities: The Challenges of Organising Locally
- Community Activism in South Essex
- Mutual Aid during the Pandemic
- Charity or Solidarity?
- Covid Mutual Aid: A Revolutionary Critique
- ACORN – no mighty oak!
- Anarchist Communists, anti-fascism and Anti-Fascism
- Women: Working and Organising
- What is Anarchist Communism? (excerpt from Brian Morris’s forthcoming book)
- Poll Tax Rebellion – Danny Burns
- Book Reviews – Putting the poll tax rebellion in perspective
- We Fight Fascists: The 43 Group and Their Forgotten Battle for Post-War Britain
- Class Power on Zero Hours
- McMindfulness: How Mindfulness Became the New Capitalist Spirituality
Total Price with postage: £3.50
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Virus issue 1
Virus: in the body politic
This issue is dedicated to our late comrade, Colin Parker.
First issue of ACG theoretical magazine Virus: In The Body Politic. 56 pages with articles on : Beyond XR: The Limits of Extinction Rebellion; Capitalism, Land and Climate Change; The Yellow Vests: Where Now?; Anarchy, Punks, and Sweatshops; Organising To Win; Dossier 1919, with articles on Unrest in Britain, the 1919 Police Strike, the Seattle General Strike, the Winnipeg General Strike, and Soviets in Ireland; Anarchist Communism and the Struggle Against Oppression; What Is Fully Automated Luxury Communism; The Socialism of the Intellectuals: Jan Waclaw Machajski; plus book reviews.