At the Cafe: ACG’s new podcast

The Anarchist Communist Group is proud to present its new podcast “At the Cafe.” At the Cafe is a series of discussion about the key issues and ideas in Anarchist Communism. 

What is Anarchist Communism:

Why Work: 

A podcast on why people would work in an anarchist communist society 


A podcast on how society would deal with crime in a world with out a state or private security


A podcast on war, and what it is good for 

Historical examples of Anarchism: 

A look at the history of working class movements that have tried to build anarchist communist societies 

Is it going to happen:

An exploration of how we are going to change society 


The Preamble of the Anarchist Communist Group 

“Never Mind The Ballots, Create the Resistance”

Presentations and discussion, with Angry Workers and others, at the May Day Rooms, London, on 19th January 2020

The 12 December 2019 election: talks and discussion with Angry Workers and others

Post Work

Interview with James from the Anarchist Research Group on post work

Post Work interview

NEW – MARCH 2019:

What’s wrong with parliament?

Why we are internationalists