Wetherspoons strike

Wetherspoon workers are calling on their colleagues to Unionise and strike for increased wages and better working conditions. Wetherspoon workers who are members of the Bakers, Food and Allied Workers’ Union (BFAWU) held successful strikes earlier in the year and have further action planned for the 4th October. They are demanding £10’s an hour, and are calling on fellow workers to Unionise. How can you help? By leave copies of their strike bulletin in your local spoons (downloadable for here: notesfrombelow.org/article/spoons)

ACG offers its support to the strikers and  the groups members will be dropping off copies of the bulletin in their locals soon. The growing number of strikes in low paid and insecure work (information about UBER strikes available here) is a response to the on going attacks on the working class. They represent growing mutual aid and solidarity among normal people and that is what terrifies owners and bosses.